Put your music in front of millions of sheet music customers

Distribute your arrangements and compositions to some of the world's
most popular online music stores.

Join over 60,000 arrangers and composers already using ArrangeMe.

Sell your music as PDFs, or as fully-interactive Noteflight scores.

How it works

Get paid graphic

Get paid for your arrangements and compositions

Song catalog graphic

More than 5,000,000 copyrighted songs available to arrange

Browse available songs

Powered by Hal Leonard graphic

100% legal - powered by Hal Leonard

Over $7,000,000 already paid to arrangers and composers like you.

Earn a commission with every copy of your sheet music sold.

Join over 60,000 composers and arrangers already using ArrangeMe.

You create the music, we'll take care of the rest

Plus, ArrangeMe is Free to Use!

Track your performance with a
highly-detailed reporting system.

ArrangeMe Sales Reports

ArrangeMe is built with transparency in mind. Easily access our modern
reporting system to manage your catalog and see sales of your arrangements
across our various distribution platforms.

What members are saying

We Support Music-Makers

Founded in 1947, Hal Leonard has become the world's largest source of music performance and instructional materials, with a catalog of over a million products in both physical and digital form. We represent many of the greatest songwriters and artists of all time. We are proud to publish and distribute works from all genres of music for all styles of musicians and ensembles.

Writing Sheet Music
Composing Music

Our vision is to enrich people's lives by making music. And our mission is to be the best global provider of tools and resources for learning, teaching, and creating music.

Hal Leonard's ArrangeMe platform works with songwriters, composers, and arrangers like you to make the world's music available to musicians of all types while ensuring all involved in the creation of this music are rewarded for their work.

Digital Sheet Music